Tag Archive for: focus support

Shortly after we started using essential oils I was introduced to the concept of premade roller bottles. It really does make life easier to have pre-diluted recipes all ready to go…all you need to do is roll them on your pulse points (inner wrists, inner ankles, behind your ear lobes or the back of your neck/or down your spine) We also love applying oils to the bottoms of our feet as that is where the most nerve endings are and where your pores are the largest. As a Mom having things premade and ready to go when needed is a life saver.

Roller Bottle Supplies:

My Favorite Recipes:

de-stress is best: 12 drops Stress Away, 12 drops Valor, 5 drops lavender, 7 drops orange or grapefruit
upset tummy: 15 drops Digize, 10 drops peppermint, 8 drops spearmint
sleep blend: 15 drops lavender, 10 drops cedar wood, 10 Valerian, 5 drops Roman chamomile, 5 drops tangerine
owies blend: 15 drops lavender, 10 drops copaiba, 8 drops tea tree
immune support: 15 drops Thieves, 6 drops oregano,10 drops lemon, 10 drops frankincense
seasonal discomfort: 10 drops lavender, 10 drops lemon, 10 drops peppermint, 5 drops copaiba
respiratory support: 10 drops eucalyptus radiata, 10 drops eucalyptus blue, 5 drops myrtle, 5 drops peppermint, 5 drops lemon, 5 drops Idaho balsam fir
headache & body ache blend for adults: 15 drops peppermint, 15 drops lemongrass, 8 drops copaiba, 5 drops wintergreen, 5 drops frankincense

focus roller: 15 drops cedarwood, 10 drops valor, 10 drops lavender, 10 drops vetiver

happy mama blend: 15 drops bergamot, 10 drops stress away, 6 drops patchouli
ear support blend: 10 drops Purification, 10 drops lavender, 10 drops melrose, 10 drops copiaba


  1. Gather all the essential oils you need in order to make the types of rollers you want to make
  2. Drop your EO’s into the roller bottle
  3. Fill the rest of the roller bottle with carrier oil (fractionated coconut oil or V6)
  4. Label your roller & apply as needed

I hope that you enjoy these recipes as much as we do! The trick with oils is to apply often, and you can definitely change up the recipes to your liking (add more or less drops, or add other oils). You can be as creative as you like, just remember when applying “hot” oils like cinnamon or clove to children or adults who are new to oils, to always dilute. This is why premade roller bottles make life more simple since you’ve already diluted the oils and they are ready to go in a easy roller application. Happy rolling!